Preparing to Go – Decluttering before You Are Emigrating from Ireland


If you are considering or have decided to move overseas – or even to move across town – the thought of packing up your personal belongings can be very stressful.  Moving house is one of the most stressful life events, even if we are looking forward to the move.  The key to staying sane when you are emigrating from Ireland is break down the process into small steps.  Before you can really assess what you will be shipping from Dublin, you need to pare down your possessions and de-clutter your home.

The easiest way to de-clutter your home before emigrating from Ireland is to take it one room at a time.  Go through each room dividing your possessions into four categories: bin, give away, pack now and in use.  Closer to your departure, you will be binning and giving away more things that you need in the meantime.

  • Bedrooms: The big thing here is clothing.  If it hasn’t been worn in a year and it isn’t suitable for the climate of your new home, get rid of it.  For children’s clothing, get rid of anything they aren’t going to wear before you move because they are likely to outgrow it.  This is a good time to do a toy purge as well, but remember children can be very unsettled by moving.  Try to let them bring some familiar, sentimental items– the cuddlies they have had since infancy but ignore now might come in handy filling space in boxes of fragile things!  Bedding can also be used as packing material.


  • Sitting Room: Why not pack up those small things you want to bring but don’t need in the meantime?  You can pack a box full of framed photos, photo albums, ornaments and the like and use your favourite throw blankets to wrap things.  If you are packing books, remember they are heavy.  Put them in small boxes to make them easier to manage.  As for your DVDs… remember that they are not universal.  If you are moving out of this region, your DVDs won’t work in your new location unless you can find a universal DVD player there… and they are not universally easy to find.


  • Kitchen & Dining Room: If you have high quality dishes and glasses, it is worth bringing them.  The cost of shipping can be less than the cost of replacing them in your new town.  Consider packing some glasses and pans now, and getting rid of those things you can do without.  Remember, your electronics won’t work outside of Ireland and the UK.  If you have a grill, breadmaker or juicer gathering dust, it’s time to offload it.


As you pack, make note of what you are putting in each box on the outside of it.  Don’t seal up the boxes yet – you might decide to do another, more ruthless round of de-cluttering before you are actually emigrating from Ireland.  Another thing you can do in advance is contact Spratt Personal Shipping for an estimate for door to door shipping to your new home.
