International Shipping Companies Deliver Christmas

Online shopping can make life easier, and it has really made life with COVID-19 easier. But it doesn’t quite deliver the same way that international shipping companies can. If you have loved ones overseas, it’s time to start planning how to get their Christmas presents to them. With our overseas shipping services, you can send one parcel with all of the gifts for the whole family together. Whether you are shipping to the USA for your grandchildren or shipping to the UK for that one niece or nephew there, choosing from the best overseas shipping companies means you can include that scarf you knit them or a selection of their favourite and greatly missed chocolates and teas from home in your personalized parcel.

Why Use Overseas Shipping for Christmas Presents?

When you have loved ones far away, you can either order their presents online or you can buy them locally and send them with overseas shipping. Shopping online does offer convenience, but can it compete with the charm of a personally prepared parcel of holiday goodies? Here are a few reasons that sending a parcel adds to the Christmas magic.

  • You can wrap the presents yourself adding your own personal touches such as gift tags, bows and ribbons.
  • It’s a great way to support local businesses, which are hurting badly right now.
  • They probably can’t get their favourite sweets, tea or crisps where they are, but you can add them to your parcel.
  • You can include homemade presents too.
  • You can label each gift so there is no confusion about who gets what, which can be an issue if you are buying multiple things from the same online retailer.
  • Everyone’s pressie arrives together. No drama if one child’s gift arrives sooner than their sibling’s.
  • It’s fun to include small things such as ornaments or little toys that would be expensive to ship on their own if you were shopping online.
  • Shipping everything together means less packaging than if you had everything sent separately from different retailers, and that’s better for the environment. (We’ve all seen those giant boxes for one small item!)

How Overseas Shipping Works

Having your presents delivered this way is easier than many people realise. Spratt Personal Shipping is one of the international shipping companies that will come right to your door to collect your parcels. Just contact us in advance for your shipping quote and to make arrangements with us.

You simply buy your presents and wrap them. Pack the wrapped gifts carefully into a sturdy box, using plenty of padding if anything is fragile. You can include anything you like! Do make a list of what is included. Seal up your box and address it clearly. Then contact Spratt Transport, and we’ll come to your door to collect it. If you’re interested in using overseas shipping to deliver Christmas this year, we’re one of the most experienced international shipping companies in Ireland. Why not contact us today to start planning?
