
Maureen Duffy shipping to Malta says:

I want to thank Spratt Personal Shipping for the safe arrival of my personal goods. I had so many things to think about when I was moving and of course I was tired and stressed. Spratt Personal Shipping in particular gave me confidence that my personal goods would arrive safely in Malta from Cork. Their communication skills and listening skills and patience were all important factors in going with their company. They more than delivered my goods. They delivered support and confidence to me in every phone call and email they sent. They are personal proof that a company is much more than just the service it provides. It is about the human resource behind it. Spratt Personal Shipping will survive and thrive in the Irish recession because of people working in it. I am very happy in Malta and if I need to transport more personal items I will go to them.

Paul Bowe shipping to USA says:

Boxes delivered safe and sound just now. Many thanks for your help and patience. You provide an excellent service at a very good price. I will recommend you to colleagues, friends and relatives.

Tingli Li shipping to China says:

Do you mind if I give your contact details to my friend? She is planning to go back to China next year in June or July, her name is Gexu, and she is also from Beijing. I told her that I am really happy with the customer service you provided and you are professional. Thank you again for providing me great customer service for shipping my stuff to China.

Gary Moore shipping to Australia says:

Highly recommend Spratt Personal Shipping’s services to all. Made my shipping to Australia from Ireland so easy.

Selina Shaw shipping to Canada says:

Massive thanks for handling my shipment from Kildare, Ireland to Toronto, Canada. Can’t thank you enough, everything arrived in perfect condition, very well prepared, delighted. A+ service

Alberto Martin shipping to Mauritius says:

Thank you very much for my personal effects shipment from Dublin, Ireland to Port Louis, Mauritius.

Georgia Stefanko shipping to Australia says:

It’s been a pleasure dealing with you and Spratt Personal Shipping for shipping all my goods to Sydney, Australia. Thank you for being so helpful and efficient. Much appreciated.

Eoin Ryan shipping to Australia says:

Thanks a million, and when I’m coming home in a year’s time from Perth will I be able to ship my tools back using Spratt Personal Shipping? If I hear of anyone shipping stuff over from Ireland I’ll definitely recommend you.