Enhanced Ocean Cargo Pricing Software

Ocean cargo ship

Accenture has released an enhanced version of its Ocean Cargo Pricing Software which is set to usher in greater pricing visibility for carriers such as Spratt. This latest iteration of its software offering will improve both billing accuracy and consistency via a more streamlined and automated pricing process for ocean carriers.

Features of the upgrade include a detention and demurrage module to assist ocean cargo carriers maintain and manage tariffs, negotiations and calculations. Another benficial feature of the latest version of the software is improved rate and surcharge management. Such advances will free Spratt from devoting valuable time to bureaucratic processes like rate and surcharge management, quotes, tender and contracts administration, route generation and schedule supervision. Instead, we will be able to focus our tiem and energy on delighting our valued customers.

The software is specifically designed to help ocean carriers prevent revenue leakages and improve business results by granting greater visibility into the the utilization of vesssels’ capacaity and their yield carriers’ contribution. Consequently, ocean carriers like Spratt can benefit from superior pricing strategies, make more efficient use of assests and boost customer satisfaction.

A key selling point of the module for Spratt is the increased flexibility and functionality it will deliver in quote and tender requests. In addition to the ability to manage a volume incentive programme, the DnD (detention and demurrage) module allows carriers to set up charges depending on regional needs and calculate the charges incurred for shipments based on container events. More importantly, the solution is adaptable enough to be integrated with Spratt’s existing shipment and equipment manageement systems to calculate charges for customers. Ergo, this integration will result in improved billing accuracy and reduced invoice disputes.

Ganesh Vaideeswaran, MD in Accenture’s Freight and Logistics practice characterises the significance of the upgrade thusly “For ocean cargo carriers, enhanced visibility into pricing means the ability to make better decisions”. He goes on to clarify its purpose as follows: “to provide a much deeper and transparent view for carriers, which will help them streamline their pricing process and ultimately improve customer satisfaction”.

For Spratt it is key that Mr. Vaideeswaran highlights that the software improvement ultimately generates increased customer satisfaction, as this is where our focus has always been and will continue to be. We will continue to embrace technological advances which better equip us to serve our clients. To learn more about our ethos and business model, click here.
