What You Need to Know about Imports and Overseas Shipping

Is your business considering adding imported products to your offerings? If so, knowing how international shipping companies handle imports can help you find the most cost-effective solutions as you expand what you offer to your customers. Finding the right suppliers abroad can be challenging enough. But working with an experienced overseas shipping company to get your orders from the port or airport to your premises means that you aren’t caught up in any of the red tape or hassle of importing products to Ireland.

Overseas Shipping via Air or Sea: Which Is Best?

One of the first decisions to make is whether you will use air or sea shipping. Air shipping is much faster, but also much more expensive. Spratt offers a daily collection service from Dublin Airport to ensure shipments get where they are going as quickly as possible.  Sea shipping is slower but cheaper. The key considerations are how heavy your shipment is and how quickly you need it. It’s also vital to determine your own pricing so that it fairly reflects the cost of shipping while also being competitive.

Clearing Customs in Ireland

Customs in Ireland, as in other countries, are complex. Much depends on the type of product you are importing and its value. It involves quite a lot of paperwork and in most cases expenses. Working with an experienced overseas shipping company that handles both imports and exports can make a huge difference here. Before you place your first order, it is important to read through Ireland’s customs regulations to understand how your tax obligations and how your shipment will be classified and treated.

Getting Goods from the Port to You

Getting your order to Dublin Airport or one of Ireland’s seaports is not the end of the process. They still need to be delivered to your premises or warehouse. That shouldn’t be a long process, but it can be if you are relying on international shipping companies that don’t offer a good domestic delivery service. At Spratt Transport, we collect from Dublin Airport every morning and every evening to ensure your shipment gets to you quickly and efficiently.

Security is, of course, a crucial concern in overseas shipping. You need real confidence in your international shipping company, and Spratt has a track record that shows we’ve earned it. We’ve earned airfreight ‘known’ status from the Department of Transport, and every one of our drivers is airfreight security trained. Your goods will be delivered in one of our fully tamper-proof vehicles.

Importing goods to Ireland can be overwhelming, especially for small and medium businesses. But you can rely on our experience and expertise to get your shipment to you quickly and safely. If you have any questions about how our overseas shipping services can help you expand your business, please contact us today. We’re happy to answer all of your questions.
