Preparing for an Overseas Move

Preparing for an Overseas Move

Packing up your life and moving overseas is a huge adventure. It can also feel a little overwhelming at times. But keeping a step ahead with packing will make the whole process easier and less stressful – so you can focus on the adventures that await in your future home. When you have to ship personal belongings internationally, it helps to break it down to small steps you can start doing months before you move.

Organising your travel, cancelling all of your utilities, getting your medical records, sorting out housing in your new location and all of the other tasks is a lot of work. It’s easy to leave packing until the last minute, but that only means a lot more stress at the most stressful part of the move. The sooner you research international shipping from Ireland and start packing, the easier those last days before the move will be.

Plan Your International Shipping from Ireland

Once you know you are going to move, it helps to start reviewing your belongings and deciding what you’re keeping and what doesn’t make the cut. The sooner you can start decluttering and getting rid of things you don’t need, the better. When you have an idea of what you’re going to bring, you can explore your options to ship personal belongings internationally. Get a few freight quotes to see what it would cost to send your things by air or by surface freight and how long it would take. Some international shipping companies – including Spratt Personal Shipping – offer a door to door service to make your move as easy as possible.

We all own things we only use for a brief period once a year such as Christmas decorations or camping gear. When you are done for the year with anything, go through and decide which bits you are taking and pack them carefully for the move. Label the box they are in. It’s only a very small bit of extra work when you are putting them away, but it will save you a lot of time later. Do the same with clothes such as heavy winter jumpers or light summer things.

In the kitchen, take a hard look at what you actually use and need. Is there anything you can pack now? Will you really bake or use the good wine glasses before you go? Ornaments and framed photos make a house a home, but you’ll make your life a lot easier if you pack them well in advance of your move. And this is an ideal time to get rid of any that you won’t miss.

Go Green when You Ship Personal Belongings Internationally

As you pack up fragile items such as glassware, vases, etc, you can use your towels and bedding as packing material to protect them. Use the towels and bedding you want to take, so by moving day, you have only the ones you don’t want. (Dog rescues often want towels for the dogs, so you can recycle them that way instead of binning them.)
