Using Personal Shipping Services to Send Food

Packing food to ship

When you have loved ones abroad, parcel shipping takes on a whole new role in your life. Letters have mostly been replaced by social media, video chats and emails, but nothing can replace the joy of a parcel of goodies arriving at the door. Sending gifts from home, especially food treats, is a wonderful way to show your love to friends and family who are overseas. No matter how much they love their new home, there are sure to be a few things from home they miss and can’t get locally.

International shipping regulations make it complicated to send a taste of home overseas, but it is possible. The details of exactly what you can ship where are too complicated to detail here. It’s best to check the regulations for the specific country. Of course, international shipping companies such as Spratt Personal Shipping Service can also answer some of your questions.

While it is a bit of hassle to send food to loved ones abroad, it is also usually very much appreciated. Homesickness can strike anyone – a student, a retiree, even a globe-trotting young professional – and a few familiar snacks from home can ease the shock of being immersed in a new culture. There’s a reason it’s called comfort food.

Do’s and Don’ts for Sending Food Overseas

If you are going to send a food parcel abroad, keep these guidelines in mind to ensure it actually reaches the recipient.

·         Do check the regulations for the country where the recipient is, not just those for your country.

·         Don’t think your parcel will somehow slip through uninspected.

·         Do send packaged treats from a store with ingredients clearly listed on the packaging.

·         Don’t assume all products are legal everywhere! For example, the Kinder Surprise eggs common on shelves in Ireland aren’t allowed into the USA.

·         Do list everything in the parcel on the customs form.

·         Don’t send homemade goodies. (Instead, see if you can send all of the dry, non-perishable ingredients along with the recipe.)

·         Do check the expiration date and only send things with six months left.

·         Don’t try to send any kind of fresh or frozen meat, dairy or produce products.

·         Do pack food carefully in a plastic bag and use plenty of layers of padding.

·         Don’t ask someone else to sneak your parcel through customs!

·         Do let your loved one know roughly when a parcel with food is coming. You don’t want it to arrive when they are away on a trip or have it put through a mail slot where their pet dog is waiting to devour it!

Remember, the staff here at Spratt Personal Shipping Service is here to help you with all of your shipping needs. That includes your questions about international shipping regulations. If you are planning on sending a parcel to a loved one abroad for Christmas, talk to us now about how to ensure it complies and reaches them quickly and safely.
