Category Archives: Uncategorized

Moving to Santiago, Chile

South America generally does not fare well in surveys of the most liveable places in the world. Many cities in that continent have serious problems with crime and political instability as well as poverty. But it would be a mistake to dismiss an entire continent on generalizations. Moving to Chile is a far safer option Read More >

What about Winnipeg?

If you’ve enjoyed the recent winter weather and are thinking about a future in Canada, Winnipeg might be the place for you. Canada has increased the number of visas available for Irish citizens, and if you considering moving to Canada, you should learn a little about Winnipeg. This modest city doesn’t get as much attention Read More >

Celebrating Christmas in Australia

Many Irish people who contemplate a move down under hit the same mental stumbling block: Christmas. How do you celebrate Christmas in the southern hemisphere when it is summer time? When all of your beloved Christmas traditions are geared to cold weather, would it still feel festive? Are Christmas lights as magical when it isn’t Read More >