Tag Archives: shipping services

Your Guide to Excess Baggage Shipping from Ireland

Airlines have strict rules about how much baggage you can take before they start charging for excess, and those charges can be hefty. Thankfully, that isn’t your only option. You can save money and spare yourself hauling that hefty extra luggage if you use international excess baggage shipping. Before you travel, read your airline’s rules Read More >

What to Pack in Luggage Vs What to Send

When you are moving overseas, it isn’t always realistic to carry everything you’ll need in your luggage. Shipping personal items instead is the solution. But how to decide what to carry and what to send via parcel delivery services or personal shipping. While size is one crucial factor – you won’t be bringing your furniture Read More >

Relocating: What to Know about Shipping Personal Items

Relocating overseas has never been easier. Today, you can get an incredible amount of detailed information about where you’d like to live from your phone or another mobile device. You can read local papers, study detailed maps, join online groups and see photos. You can look for work or for a home online, find restaurants Read More >