Category Archives: vehicle shipping

What To Expect From Car Shipping Companies

If you are searching for ‘car shipping companies near me,’ you are probably making an international move this year and wondering how to bring a familiar, reliable vehicle with you.  Having your own car when, or soon after, you arrive means you start off with a level of independence and the ability to explore without Read More >

Shipping to Ireland: Moving Before Brexit

With Brexit looming, some Irish people in the UK are packing up their lives and investigating their options for shipping to Ireland. Some people went when they were young and their worldly goods fit in a backpack. They’ve settled down, launched careers, started families. Years later, they have homes full of furniture, dishes, sports equipment Read More >

How to Prepare Your Car for Shipping

If you are moving to another country where people drive on the left, such as Japan or Australia, you might be considering shipping your car from Ireland. With so many bureaucratic details to take care of, it is easy to forget you also need to know how to prepare your car for shipping overseas. It Read More >